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Delivery Day in Puno Region

Last October we partnered  with Kusimayo Org. and delivered backpacks with school supplies, winter coats, and donated to their school breakfast program in Puno Region.  This was a very special delivery day because we did it right after my wedding and some of our guests who are very close friends were able to witness our work. This was also the last one with my father. He passed away last March 08, 2020 of Pancreatic Cancer.  We will always remember his support and his dedication to Pacas and to those in need. Delivery days will not be the same without him but We will carry on with his legacy.  Thank you everybody for your donations and for your support.  The picture...

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    As I am writing this blog post, my thoughts are going all over the place, I still can not believe that I made this happened. At the same time, I am thinking on everything that went wrong. And I always wonder what should I have done different, or how I could have avoid them.  At the same time, I am thinking about the next delivery day and the next trip to Peru.  During the last past nine months, I worked hard and trust me It was not easy. There were endless of sleepless nights and jam packed weekends full of fundraising events. But I believed in the cause but more unless I believed in myself.  I will start telling you with what went...

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