2016 Christmas breakfast was a great success! Due to some circumstances, things didn't go the way we wanted but it allowed us to reach more people being able to deliver in three different locations, meeting new friends, exploring new territories and discovering a total different reality that inspires us to keep going and make great things for those in need!
This is a short video of our last Christmas Breakfast last December 2015.
I would like to thank very much to my friend Pat and her team for making this video. Also everybody who made this possible: My family, friends and everybody who purchased a Hope Bracelet and a Pacas Product.
Because of you we were able to delivered 600 meals, 40 backpacks with school supplies and a lot of love to children of Oasis de Villa!
Please feel free to share it with your friends!
Thank you!!
Let me introduce you the women behind every Pacas' Product. They are from a town called Huancayo in the Andes of Peru. They are part of a cooperative called Kamaq Maki that was created in 1990 as a response to the lack of employment opportunities for rural artisans of the region of Junin in Peru. Currently, this cooperative brings together more than 150 families who produce handmade products made of Alpaca wool. These fabrics are a 100% hand knitted using crochets sticks. In this way, they do not only have an extra income but also keep a tradition alive. The Peruvian culture, creativity and values that these women have are represented in each of their pieces of art. Every women is paid a fair price for making each...
My name is Diana, I am from Peru and have lived in Canada since 2011. I want to tell you about a very special heartwarming project in my homeland which was started 30 ago by my grandfather who had provided five poor children with a Christmas Breakfast as a special treat. It has continued by my family each December and in 2015, I returned to be part of this celebration. My visit was very emotional, especially when I was surprised to be met at the airport by my sister who I had not seen since coming to Canada. She lives in Europe. Very early on the joyous morning my dad was already busy in the kitchen, soon to be joined by...